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New Regulations Take Effect July 1st 2023 That Might Impact You


Gov.Ron DeSantis has approved many new regulations that go in to effect July 1st. Are are some of them.

1. You can carry a concealed weapon without a permit

If you are legally permitted to own a firearm, you can carry it concealed in Florida. You must be a resident 21 or older to buy a weapon. There still are restrictions on gun ownership for people convicted of a felony, dishonorably discharged, adjudicated mentally defective or involuntarily committed to treatment, convicted of a domestic violence misdemeanor or other conditions recognized by the state.


2. New Rules For Undocumented Immigrants

CS/CS/SB 1718 – Immigration makes the following changes:

  • Transporting a minor or more than five undocumented people into the state carries a second-degree felony penalty.
  • Companies with 25 or more employees will have to use the federal E-Verify system when hiring workers. Penalties for employers who don’t verify their employees’ status could face suspension of their licenses to operate.
  • Local governments will be banned from contributing money to organizations creating ID cards for undocumented immigrants, and driver’s licenses issued to non-citizens will be barred from use in Florida. Illegal migrants also could face felony charges by displaying a false ID to obtain employment.
  • Hospitals receiving state and federal Medicaid reimbursements will be required to track how much money is spent on undocumented immigrants in emergency rooms and must ask if a patient is in the country legally.
  • A 2014 law that allowed undocumented immigrants to be admitted to practice law in Florida will be repealed.
  • The Division of Emergency Management’s Unauthorized Alien Transport Program get $12 million to continue the migrant-relocation program of transporting asylum-seekers to different places around the country.

3. In Florida, when utilizing a public restroom, it is mandated that individuals utilize facilities  that correspond to the sex they were assigned at birth.

4. Schools in Florida will have a later start time. 

5. Healthcare providers in Florida can deny you service based on their moral, ethical, or religious beliefs

6. Teens can no longer drive a golf cart in Florida without a permit or driver’s license.

7. TikTok banned on campus Wi-Fi or on a school- or government-issued device.

8. HOA can not restrict you from displaying some flags and parking your boat in your backyard.