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Brave DeSoto County Deputy Risks Life, Jumps Onto Moving Semi-Truck to Save Driver”


In a remarkable scene reminiscent of a Mission Impossible movie, a DeSoto deputy in Florida embarked on a daring rescue mission. Sprinting through traffic and leaping onto a moving semi-truck, the deputy’s heroics left behind shattered glass as the only evidence of the extraordinary events that unfolded that Wednesday morning.

Ironically, the deputy, Lt. Michael Bellflower, was not even on road patrol duty that day. However, a twist of fate led him to save a man’s life when two concerned individuals dialed 911 reporting a semi-truck driver experiencing a medical emergency. Unbeknownst to them, Lt. Bellflower happened to be present at the scene. “Just so happens he’s a friend of mine,” Bellflower explained.

Waiting at the Turner Street traffic light, about to make a turn onto SR 70, Lt. Bellflower noticed that his friend did not accelerate when the light changed, which was unusual for the seasoned driver. Concerned, he approached the front of the truck to assess the situation. It became evident that the driver was in distress.

Without hesitation, Bellflower sprang into action. As a detention deputy on his way to work, he lacked his body camera but carried a radio to call for assistance. Running alongside the truck, he grabbed onto the side mirror and leaped onto the truck’s step. Banging on the window, he desperately tried to rouse the incoherent driver. Meanwhile, the semi-truck continued to inch forward, crossing into oncoming traffic, while Lt. Bellflower clung on, determined to break the window.

“I simply knew I had to help my friend. At that moment, I ceased to be just a cop,” tearfully confided Bellflower. “I can mend a few cuts, but I can’t fix losing him.”

Evidence of the harrowing ordeal remained etched on the road, where the truck veered onto the shoulder near Winn Dixie. Shards of glass scattered in the grass served as a reminder of the force Bellflower exerted in his valiant effort to save his friend.

When the driver finally regained coherence, he had no recollection of what had transpired. Bellflower humorously recalled their conversation, saying, “‘Do you know me?’ I asked. ‘What kind of question is that?’ he responded. ‘What did I hit with my mirror?’ he inquired. ‘You didn’t hit anything,’ I assured him. ‘But where did all this glass come from?’ he queried. ‘I had to break your window,’ I explained. ‘Why would you do such a thing?!’ he asked. ‘I was trying to save your life, buddy. I didn’t know what else to do."”

Bellflower believes that divine intervention placed him in the right place at the right time. Sheriff James F. Potter expressed immense pride in Lt. Bellflower, emphasizing that the outcome could have been far worse had he not intervened. The situation easily could have resulted in multiple injuries.